
Dr Rajendra Gujjalanavar maintains a keen academic interest with numerous national and international scientific publications and being authors to multiple chapters in plastic surgery textbook.

Top Plastic Surgeon Bangalore


  1. Congenital Triphanlengeal thumb with syndactyly in kinship-ISSHCON2005 
  2. Role of glutamine administration on bacteremia in severely burned patient: A prospective randomized double blinded trial vs iso-nitrogenous control- APSICON 2009
  3. Paraumbical perforator flaps for hand reconstruction- APSICON 2010
  4. Thumb reconstruction using pedicled osteocuatneous radial forearm flap- APSICON 2010
  5. Reconstructive management of craniofacial defects after tumor ablation-APSICON 2012
  6. Analysis of 140 re-explorations in 1300 consecutive free flaps-APSICON 2012
  7. Reconstruction of complex lip and buccal mucosa defects with free flaps after tumor resection-APSICON 2013
  8. Reconstruction of post oncological tongue defects-APSICON 2013
  9. Reverse flow ALT flap- APSICON 2015
  10. Diabetic foot reconstruction using free flaps-our experience-ISRM 2016
  11. Proximally based sural fasciocutaneous flap for knee and proximal lower leg defects-APSICON 2017
  12. Tracheoesophageal puncture site closure with sternocleidomastoid musculocutaneous transposition flap-APSICON 2017
  13. Total upper and lower eyelid reconstruction using deltopectoral flap-APSICON 2017
  14. Peripheral nerve injury of upper limb-APSICON 2017
  15. Tongue reconstruction our experience-APSICON 2017 
  16. Perforator free flaps-APSICON 2017
  17. Diabetic foot ulcer reconstruction using free flaps-WSRM 2017
  18. Hypo-pharynx reconstruction principles and experience-WSRM 2017
  19. Vacuum assisted closure therapy as a pretreatment for free flap reconstruction in diabetic foot ulcer-DFSICON 2017
  20. Microsurgical reconstruction of upper limb-ISRM 2018
  21. Nerve injury management-ISRM 2018
  22. Perforator free flaps-ISRM 2018
  23. Lymph venous anastomosis(poster)- ISRM 2018
  24. Mid face lift-ISAPS 2018
  25. Endoscopic assisted craniostenosis surgery: first case series in India- APSICON 2018
  26. Indocyanine green lymphography in lymphedema-APSICON 2018
  27. Lymphedema management current concepts-APSICON 2018
  28. Lymhovenous anastomosis (video presentation)-WSRM 2019
  29. Advanced surgical management of lymphedema-WSRM 2019  
  30. Diabetic foot ulcer reconstruction using free flaps-DFSICON 2019
  31. Lymhovenous anastomosis (video presentation)-APSICON 2019
  32. Craniofacial deformity correction –our experience APSICON 2019
  33. Drainage procedures for lymphedema –APSICON 2019
  34. Partial second toe pulp free flap for fingertip reconstruction-APSICON 2019
  35. Reconstruction of large sacral defects following sacretomy-APSICON 2019
  36. Management of lymphedema current concepts-KAPRAS 2019
  37. Lymhovenous anastomosis-BRASCON 2020
  38. Nerve injury management-ISPNSCON 2020

ISSHCON– Indian society for surgery of hand conference.
APSICON-Association of plastic surgeons of India conference.
ISRM –Indian society of reconstructive microsurgery.
WSRM– World society of reconstructive microsurgery.
DFSICON-Diabetic foot society of India conference.
ISPNSCON-Indian society of peripheral nerve surgery conference.
BRASCON-Breast Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery conference.
KAPRAS-Karnataka association plastic reconstructive aesthetic society.
ISAPS-international society of Aesthetic plastic surgery.

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