

Microtia reconstruction is surgery to correct an ear deformity that is present at birth. Microtia can refer to many problems, including:
  • Unusually small ears.
  • Missing part or whole of the usual external ear structures.
  • Completely missing the external ear.
  • An abnormally narrow, blocked, or missing ear canal.
Microtia Treatment In Bangalore

Many surgical treatment can be used to reconstruct the ear.

Dr Rajendra S Gujjalanavar uses latest techniques for microtia reconstruction. The goal of intervention is to provide the best form and function to the underdeveloped ear.
The ideal age for reconstruction is 8–10 yrs. when the ear is closer to adult size. External ear prostheses are made for youngsters as young as 5. For auricular reconstruction, there are several different options
  • Rib Cartilage Graft Reconstruction: It involves sculpting the patient’s own rib cartilage into the form of an ear. This surgery varies from two to four stages depending on the method.
  • Ear reconstruction using a polyethylene plastic implant (also called Medpor): Using the porous framework, which allows the patient’s tissue to grow into the material. It is usually single stage.
  • Ear Prosthesis: An auricular (ear) prosthesis is custom made to mirror the other ear. Prosthetic ears can appear very realistic. They require a few minutes of daily care. They are typically made from silicone, which is colored to match the encompassing skin and may be attached using either adhesive or with titanium screws inserted into the skull to this the prosthetic ear is attached by magnetic bar/clip type system.
    Associated hearing problem is treated by ENT doctors depending of type of hearing loss.

What happens during the procedure?

  • Child are going to be given a medicine to make your child fall asleep (general anesthetic).
  • The surgeon will make an incision over your child’s ribs and take away cartilage from the ribs. This incision will be closed with stitches.
  • The surgeon will cut the cartilage and shape it to make a structure for the ear.
  • A skin pocket or flap are going to be made where the new ear are going to be placed on the scalp.
  • The skin may need to be stretched to make the pocket.
  • The cartilage structure will be placed inside the skin pocket or flap. It will be shaped to look like a normal ear.
  • The skin pocket or flap will be closed with stitches. Drain tubes may be placed to drain fluid from around the ear or the rib area. It may take several surgeries to complete the reconstruction of your child’s ear.

What happens after the procedure?

  • Your child’s bed will be kept with head end elevation.
  • Your child may have small tubes left in place to drain extra fluid from the area around the ear and rib.
  • Your child may be taught breathing exercises.


Hemifacial Microsomia Treatment in Bangalore
Hemifacial microsomia
Hemifacial microsomia /Parry-Romberg syndrome is characterized by slowly progressive deterioration of the skin and soft tissues of half of the face resulting in contour deformity or depression of oneside of face
Facial palsy
Facial palsy is a condition where the muscles of facial function and expression are paralyzed due to injury or disease of the Facial nerve. It can cause difficulty in activities like blinking, smiling, eating, drinking.
Craniofacial surgery deals with correction and reconstruction of congenital and acquired defects of head, skull, face, jaw and associated structures.
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