Maxillofacial trauma

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Bangalore

Facial trauma or maxillofacial trauma, is physical trauma to the face. Facial trauma can involve soft tissue injuries such as burns, lacerations bruises and eye lid injury, or fractures of the facial bones. Facial trauma common after fall, assault, sports injuries, and vehicle crash. Fractures of facial bones associated with pain, bruising, bleeding and swelling of the surrounding tissues associated with facial abrasions or lacerations. Commonly involved bones are mandible, maxilla, nasal bone, orbital bone and forehead bones.
A CT scan and X ray may be required for assessment.

Facial injuries are repaired with plastic surgical procedure to minimizes the scars on face. After bringing the bones back to their place, these fractures are stabilized using Titanium plates and screws.

Dr. Rajendra Gujjalanavar, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Bangalore specializes in diagnosing and treating complex conditions affecting the face, jaw, and oral structures. From corrective jaw surgeries  to facial trauma management and TMJ disorders, he deliver advanced surgical care with precision. With cutting-edge technology and compassionate patient care,  help restore function, aesthetics, and confidence.

What happens during the procedure?

The surgery is conducted under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. Cuts are usually made inside the mouth, inside the eyelids or in the hairline to avoid any kind of scar. The fractured bones are brought back into position and fixed with Titanium plates and screws, sometimes an implant (Medpore/Synpore) might have to be used as well to reconstruct the orbital floor. Surgical wounds are closed with absorbable stitches

What happens after surgery?

There might be swelling and mild oozing at operated site, which will improve in 3-4 days. If you had a fracture, you will be advised to be on soft diet for the next 3 weeks. In some fractures, you might also have some screws and rubber bands placed in your mouth which will stay for 3 weeks.

What are the risks?

Infection, bleeding, swelling, bruising and pain are common complications that can happen. These are temporary and managed by medications.


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