Hand surgery
Hand Surgery
Hand surgery may be a broad term that covers many various kinds of procedures. Plastic surgeons who perform hand surgery in Bangalore seek to revive hand and finger function. But hand surgeons also attempt to make the hand look as normal as possible, as well. Hand surgery is done many conditions, including:
- Congenital Deformities-Syndactyly, polydactyly, cleft hand, congenital band syndrome.
- Hand injuries and fractures.
- Degenerative hand Deformities-Trigger finger/thumb, Carpel tunnel syndrome, nerve entrapment syndromes.
- Tendon transfers for nerve injuries.
- Burn hand reconstruction.
- Post leprosy hand deformity correction.

Diabetic foot deformity correction
The diabetic foot syndrome or disease (DFD) includes several pathologies, mainly diabetic peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and limited joint mobility which result in foot ulceration.

A general category of surgery which needs the support of operating microscope for the successful completion of the operation is called as microsurgery.

Gender Reassignment surgery
Gender-affirming masculinizing surgeries are a variety of surgical procedures that transgender men may choose to have, to help them feel complete in their male identity.