
Top plastic surgeon of Bangalore
according to "India today"

Videos by
Dr. Rajendra Gujjalanavar
Rhinoplasty or Nose Job | Dr Rajendra S Gujjalanavar Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore
How does rhinoplasty work? How long does it take to recover from a nose job? Get all your doubts cleared from Sakra Rx Video Your daily dose of health by Dr Rajendra S Gujjalanavar, Senior Consultant – Plastic Surgery.
Breast Augmentation | Sakra World Hospital
Dr Rajendra Suresh G, Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore Has Answered Queries On Breast Augmentation.
RX Treatment Of Facial Palsy | Dr Rajendra S Gujjalanavar Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore
What is the treatment of facial palsy? The term facial palsy generally refers to weakness of the facial muscles, mainly resulting from temporary or permanent damage to the facial nerve. Sakra RX – Bringing your daily dose of health by Dr Rajendra S Gujjalanavar Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore.
Abnormal Head Shapes In Babes
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Dr Rajendra Suresh G, Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore Has Answered Queries On HD-Liposuction.
Lymphedema And Advanced Treatment Protocols.
Dr Rajendra Suresh G, Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangalore Has Answered Queries On Lymphedema And Advanced Treatment Protocols.
Elephantiasis | Best Plastic Surgeon in Bangalore - Dr. Rajendra S Gujjalanavar
Elephantiasis, is a very rare condition that’s spread by mosquitoes. The common name is often used because if you have it, your arms and legs can swell and become much bigger than they should be. The affected skin can thicken and harden to look something like an elephant’s skin.